Coles Creative Management, LLC
Coles Creative Management, LLC is the founder of Beyond the Birthing Seat training and certification program.
Beyond the Birthing Seat is a certificate course of study offered to individuals who are currently engaged in performing administrative functions in their organization or who are preparing to make the transition into administration.

The facts and relevant evidence gathered during the investigative process can be used to assist management in deciding whether to take or not to take disciplinary or other action.
We perform the following actions:
Gather and compile all relevant evidence
Conduct interviews of the complaining party and witnesses; and,
Prepare a Report of Investigation
Focusing on client needs, organizational structures, timeline for deliverables and attention to managing, improving, and reinventing business processes - we provide one-on-one or group consultation with managers and leaders to evaluate and offer solutions that are aligned with goals selected by the organization.
We are familiar with government rules and guidelines as well as industry best practices. We are also available to conduct behavioral and organizational climate assessments in order to create a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
We perform various administrative support functions that impact the efficiency of an organization.
We provide the following services:
Schedule and Calendar Management
Travel Scheduling
Customer Relations Management
Client Correspondence
Event Planning and Management