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One of the exciting components of Beyond the Birthing Seat is the School of the Administrators which focuses on training for individuals who execute administrative functions in their organization or who have an interest in making the transition into administration.  


One of the essential gifts in any organization is that of administration and so often adequate training is necessary for individuals to operate at their optimal potential when performing these duties.  During these training sessions, individuals will hear from cutting edge visionaries and professionals who will provide key information to assist the Administrator be his or her best. 




Interested in a free consultation regarding the services offered for Beyond the Birthing Seat?

Coles Creative Management is available to work one-on-one with your team to assess their skill level, conduct assessments,

and develop a strategy in order to create a culture of collaboration and continuous performance improvement.


Simply click the link below and someone will be in touch with you within 2 business days. 

This course focuses on foundational principles of administration as well as the roles and responsibilities

of an Administrator within an organization.


Throughout this course, individuals will learn the technical and soft skills required to perform various duties, and understand an Administrator’s value within an organization.  Candidates will receive the foundational tools necessary to serve as an Administrator which will be presented in four modules focusing on:


The role and responsibilities of an Administrator


The needs and expectations of a visionary/leader


The spirit, attitude and commitment of an



Striking the right work/life balance in your life


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 After completion of all four modules, candidates will receive a Certification of Completion.   

Register for Beyond the Birthing Seat


Upcoming Sessions


     September 17th – Module 1: Functions of An Administrator Early registration due: August 19th


     October 22nd – Module 2: The Cry of God’s Leaders

Early registration due: September 23rd


     November 19th – Module 3: The Spirit and Attitude

of an Administrator

Early registration due: October 21st


     December 3rd – Module 4: The Commitment of An Administrator, Being A Team Player, and Striking the Right  

         Work/Life Balance in Your Life

Early registration due: November 4th


     Modules 1,  2, 3 and 4

Early registration due: August 19th


Mountain Lake
Beach Huts
Ferris Wheel
Palm Trees
City Cycle
Misty Slopes

Complete your registration and submit online 

Or download the registration form, complete and forward via email, fax, etc. 

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Coles Creative Management, LLC

Mailing Address

Post Office Box 505

Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 



[301] 966 - 3226


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