We Believe the Bible, the original writings of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, to be the only divinely inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.
We Believe that there is one God eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit, co-equal in nature, in power and glory and possessing the same attributes and perfections and worthy of the same reverence.
We Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary without ceasing to be God that He might manifest God in the flesh and redeem mankind of their sins.
We Believe that Christ lived a sinless life; died a vicarious and atoning death; was literally, physically resurrected from the dead and ascended bodily into heaven. He is now exalted at the right hand of the Father, and He personally will return to this earth in power and glory to rule over the nations.
We Believe that the Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration and sanctification and that at the moment the unregenerate person exercises faith in Christ as Savior, He baptizes the believer into the body of Christ, indwells permanently, seals until the day of redemption, and sovereignly bestows at least one gift of service.
We Believe that salvation is God brought to sinful man by grace and received solely by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who accomplished complete redemption by His substitutionary death and shedding of His precious blood.
We Believe the Christian calling is a holy calling; therefore, every believer is commanded to live in the power of the indwelling Spirit so that the fruit of the Spirit is produced in his/her life.
We Believe that it is the obligation of all believers to witness by life and by word to the truths of the Holy Scripture and seek to proclaim the Gospel to all mankind.
We Believe in the bodily resurrection of all men; the saved to eternal life and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment.
Our Vision
Beyond the Veil Worship Center, Inc., is a faith-based, 501c3 organization in existence since early 2000. Our mission is first and foremost to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ — crucified and resurrected– to the lost and equip the saints to live holy lives before Him; and encourage healing, deliverance and empowerment through the Presence of the Lord God.
​"Where there is no vision, the people perish…” ~ Proverbs 29:18 KJV
We are a family-oriented, local church with a global vision. As such, we seek to develop and administer programs and services which improve the quality of life for citizens throughout our community, nation and world. Some of these programs and services include:
Prayer (Intercessory and Corporate)
Praise and Worship
Family Enrichment
Leadership Training & Development
Outreach Ministries & Programs
Functioning as an extension to local communities, cities, states and countries through training, development and evangelistic outreach, we are establishing a network of ministers and ministries that will work to train and develop individuals who in turn will plant ministries and centers.
Our ongoing objectives include: developing the spiritual, economic, and social growth of families and individuals; allowing the doctrines of Jesus Christ to be preached without compromise; worshiping GOD in the unity, freedom and liberty of the Holy Spirit; eliminating the doctrines of men from worship services, thus promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ for spiritual growth; and allowing the Body of Christ to fellowship together regardless of race, color or nationality. We will continue serving with benevolence, which is “the act of giving and doing good to service God’s people” through missions work both nationally and internationally; and, continue encouraging, promoting and practicing giving in accordance with God’s Word. This includes regularly paying tithes and giving offerings to build the work of the ministry.
Beyond the Veil Worship Center’s long-term ministry goals include: establishing outreach through television in local, national and international media outlets; establishing additional ministry centers and churches to promote the Gospel throughout the United States and foreign lands; and, building and establishing state-of-the-art global ministry headquarters on purchased land in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Other goals include: developing and managing a quality senior citizens daycare and living facility near global headquarters in Upper Marlboro, Maryland; developing and managing a home for battered women and children; establishing a fully accredited early learning center (for toddlers) and academy (for school-age children and teens) to promote quality faith-based instruction; and growing and developing pastoral alliance to promote excellence in ministry among Christian leaders.
“…And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by. For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint.
Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day…” ~Habakkuk 2:2-3 AMP
Beyond The Veil Worship Center
Church History
Before the foundations of the world, the LORD GOD established Beyond the Veil Worship Center, a church dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ--crucified and resurrected--to the lost and equipping the saints to live holy lives before Him. We believe the entire Holy Bible to be the inspired, infallible Word of God. The divine assignment to organize and begin the ministry's work was given to Minister Wanda J. Sisco on December 30, 1999.
The ministry began as a prayer group. In February of 2000, the Wednesday night Prayer Meeting led to Bible Study. In just a few weeks, Bible Study paved the way for Sunday morning worship and fellowship. It was apparent that the "Bible Study Group" had become church home to many. The first Sunday morning Worship service was held on April 16, 2000 (Palm Sunday). The LORD continued to send the harvest and by the end of April 2000, the ministry had already outgrown the residence formerly used for services.
In response to Minister Sisco's prayers, the LORD revealed through His Word in Genesis 11, that He would move the Church to a school building (Haran), where they would disciple many and then move to an actual church building (Canaan). On May 14, 2000, the Ministry held its first service in the auditorium of Andrew Jackson Middle School in Suitland, Maryland.
Minister Sisco was ordained and consecrated as Senior Pastor and Founder of Beyond the Veil Worship Center on July 30, 2000. Under the anointed leadership of Apostle Wanda J. Sisco, in just a few years, we purchased 18 acres of prime real estate on Croom Road in Upper Marlboro, Maryland; established more than 20 church ministries; and, launched the School of Ministry where Christian leaders may obtain ecclesiastical training. To date, the School of Ministry has graduated a number of Ministerial Training and Church Leadership classes. In 2011 the first School of the Prophets was launched; the first class graduated in June 2012 and the second class in November 2013. In 2012 the Intercessory Prayer Ministry, the New Converts Ministry and the Prophetic Roundtable were established. In 2013, God blessed us to establish the Culinary Ministry and in 2014, the Safety Net Ministry.
God has allowed the ministry to reach into Gyana, South America, Jamaica, West Indies and Ghana, Africa.
All GLORY, HONOR and THANKS are due our LORD JESUS CHRIST for the wonderful things He has done. In Jesus' name, we confidently declare that He who has begun this good work, shall perform it until the day of Christ Jesus.