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Transforming your life from
homes to heels to health!
Interior Design - Fashion - Lifestyle
Interior Design
She’s just born with it.
Design simply resides in Toni's bones and it flows through her veins.
She is far more than just a natural, she IS design!
For as long as I can remember, I've always designed and transformed spaces.
When I was a little girl, my mom would come home to a totally rearranged home,
so even as a child I understood aesthetics and eye-popping display.
For more than a decade Toni has continually invested in her greatest passion and God-given gift and talent ~ design. To date, some of her most noted accomplishments include work she has done for the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) where she designed the sets of three of Tyler Perry Studio's major sitcoms ~ Tyler Perry’s The Have & Have Nots (Seasons 3 & 4), For Better or For Worse (Season 4) and If Loving You is Wrong (the Pilot).
When designing for her residential and commercial clients through her design firm MyDesignersNetwork, Toni takes great pride in the fact that she specializes in designing their home or space to not only be functional but fabulous as well. She admits that "organization and fabulousness are the keys to how I transform space."
To schedule your design consultation fill out the contact form here
The MyDesignersNetwork portfolio is currently under construction
Check back after September 7, 2016 to view

to enjoy the wonders of shoe shopping again! In 2010, Toni opened her first retail boutique and named it Size 12™ catering to women wearing shoe sizes 10 and above. This was unheard of within the shoe industry, no one had ever opened a retail store that specifically catered to women who wore large shoes and because of this Size 12™ quickly received wide recognition in media outlets such as CNN, BET, Black Enterprise Magazine and local Washington DC radio station WHUR (among others).
After taking a brief hiatus (becoming a wife and mother), Toni is back - continuing her work in the movement she successfully started and she is excited about her journey of experiencing the fulfillment of God's promise.
Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion Phil 1:6.
The movement has begun but will officially commence in the Summer of 2017 with amazing new styles and a new line of accessories.
Are you a woman with a noticeable stride?
If you wear a size 10 shoe or higher, connect with Size 12™
Get noticed here
Size 12 ™
"For the woman with a noticeable stride!” ™
At the age of 11, Toni was already in a size 12 shoe and was lovingly teased by family when they would say "...act your age and not your shoe size.”
Being a natural and having a knack for design, Toni has always had a genuine appreciation for design and bringing various design elements together in a way uncommon for most. Extending her design reach beyond interior design, she put amazing outfits together and enjoyed adding her favorite finishing accessories. Standing nearly 6 feet tall and wearing a size 12 shoe, unfortunately, she rarely had the ability to complete her look the way she desired because of the challenges she faced when searching for the perfect her size.
Out of sheer frustration and resourcefulness she decided to take it upon herself and endeavor to transform the way women thought about their larger sized feet and created an experience for women that allowed them

It Works® keeps Toni on her toes in the world of business. The mentorship, training, friendships, freedom and fun are just a few reasons why this opportunity is so valuable and attractive to so many entrepreneurs.
Are you a motivated entrepreneur? Do you want to make new friends, have fun and experience freedom on " A Whole Notha level" Join Our journey to freedom today! Click here to join.
Toni’s Personal Philosophy ~ Health is Wealth
When asked why she added It Works® to her brand Toni shared "Adding It Works® to my brand was an easy decision to make which has yielded me amazing results. I have the opportunity to empower others and it's my way of continuing to give back."
It Works® is a dynamic opportunity that helps aspiring entrepreneurs start a business in fun, exciting and inspiring team oriented atmosphere. And It Works® is especially helpful for those entrepreneurs who may not yet have the necessary tools to start a business.
When Toni opened Size 12 ™ she received countless emails and requests from people asking if they could franchise the business or be consulted so they can start their own business. She now uses It Works™ as a vehicle for empowering and motivating entrepreneurs to start their business (and with very little start up).

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